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About me 

As a designer, maker and illustrator, I am inspired by my surroundings. Often the tiny details that many people overlook. Whenever I begin a project, I spend time doing observational drawings of whatever takes my interest at that moment in time. I then abstract those drawings and begin to design from them. Within this process I try and consider all the senses, as a jeweller it is imperative that one’s designs work with the kinetic structure that is the body. 


After creating the jewellery, I often go back to my sketch book and draw from the forms that I've created to see how I could abstract them even more and develop them onto a further stage. 


For my graduate collection, my initial drawings and research were predominantly inspired by plants. I spent a lot of time sketching and observing them, and completed a course in botanical illustration at RBGE. My interest honed towards the medicinal properties of plants and I began narrowing my research to focus on lavender, chamomile, pelargonium and peppermint.


Since stress is a prominent factor during final year, with the looming worry about life outside of education, I was most interested in calming botanical properties. I began testing their abilities on myself, realising the results first hand.


Scent can offer huge emotional connections by triggering memories unique to the wearer, whether those be good or bad. After looking at these four plants, I narrowed it down to Lavender, since for me, that was the scent I enjoyed the most, and that had the most noticeable calming effects on me.


I began to make pieces that had both mesmerising therapeutic movement and scent pockets, which were to sit on or down from your neck. The idea being that the scent is subtle so only the wearer knows it is there. The movement within the pieces are supposed to be a form of distraction to deflect your mind from unwanted and stressful thoughts and instil a sense of calm upon the wearer.

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